Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Favorite Ship

Some say they don’t believe in leadership. They try to get you to believe in other things like not-being-a-dickship, knowing-your-roleship, or meeting-a-group-needship. People who say these things are hippy idiots.

You should be a leader at all costs.

You should be a leader regardless of need.

You should be a leader regardless of how many people are already leaders in a given situation.

When you walk into a room, you should assume there are 35 to 40 leaders present. Intimidated? STOP IT! That just means you need to be leaderier. Here are the only two ways to do just that.

1. You need to have more leather bound notebooks to document your important thoughts.

2. You need to own a fancier wind breaker for lake front jogging.

If you'd made it to the end of this post I need to say something that's going to blow your mind... you are a freaking FOLLOWER. You should have been the one leading me to the end. You fail. You aren't leader material AT ALL. Take that million dollar bill off your wind breaker and eat some Cheez-Its like the rest of the non-leading society.

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