Tuesday, December 21, 2010

CiviBalls2 Idea

I think its great when someone is super defensive of NASA when they are too dumb to even be an astronaut's casual acquaintance. Its probably one of my favorite things. The best part is when you ask this type of person to share their impetus for NASA loving they say something hilarious like "I think we should be looking for alternate life forms."Look man, I don't have a lot of information about aliens but from what I can gather they want us dead and they have lasers. If you haven't been able to notice that then come sit next to me so I can use your body as a shield when one attacks us while futon shopping. Its bound to happen, folks.

Also, may I remind you of a little book called "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus." Given that fact consider whether you'd really want to start a cross-planet war. I mean, we have no idea what planet these aliens might be from.

Guys, I hate NASA. Truth be told, its not about my belief that you give an alien an inch they'll eat your face. I truly hate NASA for two very specific reasons:

1. NASA and I are NOT held to the same standards

I mean if I spent 19 million dollars annually almost exploding my vehicles and looking for water on barren and useless space orbs, I’d be institutionalized. But NASA does the same shit and their geniuses.

2. Their most ubiquitous invention is a useless bed

Stop hanging your hat on developing a foam technology that comprises a bed no one enjoys. Call me when you invent Civiballs 3. Civiballs 2 is too easy. Hey, that's a good catch phrase. Civiballs 2: Its not 2 easy. Sure you're lying but what am I going to do about it?

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