Old timey songs are usually really slow paced. That’s because back in the day there was nothing to do so everyone drew out the only positive aspects of their lives. Singers had no obligations after they recorded their songs so they thought, hey I’ll record a 400 minute song about an unoffensive noun. Song listeners would sit 4 inches from their radios and with eagerness absorb every word of songs about dreams, candy, and government employees.
These songs were all super polite. They called people Mr. or Mrs. (Mr. Postman, Mrs. Robinson). These melodic shout outs to fictitious characters are exponentially more polite than anything anyone has ever said to me in person.

I've been thinking about old songs lately because I heard one by the Mamas and the Papas the other day while dining at a fancy restaurant.
No, not Beef and Brandy.

So anyway, I was eating at CarX and I heard that California Dreamin' song and I was instantly enraged. I mean what a terrible song. I'm starting to think CarX isn't as nice of a restaurant as everyone says it is.