Monday, July 26, 2010

Extreme Physical Challenge: DAY TEN

Here is today's inspirational image:
On to my rendition. Note, time spent: 345 seconds.

Now that I'm using my eyes and ears (see DAY NINE), I've decided to kick it up a notch and use my nose as well. Today's scent was Ortego taco sauce. Notice the spicy hat.

Today's inspirational sound was Squeeze Box by The Who, specifically the line, "Mama has a squeeze box she wears on her chest. When daddy comes home he never gets no rest." The rest of picture is pretty self-explanatory. The only qualification I need to offer is that I am incapable of drawing an accordion. I substituted a piano. I think it still works.

Oh, also I suck at drawing the human form. I made the dad's body iceskates. I think it still works.

1 comment:

  1. Incidentally, my other favorite terrible horse-related art is a series made by a 14 year old british girl with her horse action figures called "Scout's Adventure". You can skip the first 4 episodes, but episode 5 is required viewing and I think if you reach out to her she'll let you do the cover art for the inevitable dvd release.

